Garritan Personal Orchestra 4 / FULL
For Controller/synthesizer/PC/Midi Software & Sound Program
Windows & MAC
HARGA: RP. 600.000,- (Original Price: $149.00 USD/1 Juta Lebih)
Pack: 1 DVD + 1 Original License
MORE INFO, Klik Disini
A Complete Orchestra at your Fingertips!Highest Quality Orchestral Instruments at an Affordable Price
ARIA Advanced Instrument Engine
28 Ensemble Presets
Integrated Ambience & Stereo Stage
MIDI Playback and Recording Features
Ensemble Making - Creating Your Own 'Personal' Orchestra
Universal Format
Suited for Everybody
System Requirements
Running Personal Orchestra is dependent on the speed of your computer.
Running Personal Orchestra is dependent on the speed of your computer.
The faster the processor the better.
* 1.8 Ghz Core 2 Duo MacIntel or better; 2.8 Ghz CPU Pentium 4 or better (single core). Users
* 1.8 Ghz Core 2 Duo MacIntel or better; 2.8 Ghz CPU Pentium 4 or better (single core). Users
report G5 PPC Macs work, but no guarantee as you will not get optimal performance.
* 2 GB RAM Recommended
* 3.5 GB of free hard drive space
* Hard drive speed of at least 7200 RPM
* Monitor with 1,024 x 768 resolution or better
* A sound card compatible with ASIO, DirectSound, or MME
* MIDI: A MIDI or USB interface may be required if you are using a n electronic keyboard (88-key full-sized MIDI keyboard recommended). A keyboard with Mod Wheel is highly recommended.
* High quality speakers and amplifier, or high quality headphones.
* Internet connection for updates and online registration
* 2 GB RAM Recommended
* 3.5 GB of free hard drive space
* Hard drive speed of at least 7200 RPM
* Monitor with 1,024 x 768 resolution or better
* A sound card compatible with ASIO, DirectSound, or MME
* MIDI: A MIDI or USB interface may be required if you are using a n electronic keyboard (88-key full-sized MIDI keyboard recommended). A keyboard with Mod Wheel is highly recommended.
* High quality speakers and amplifier, or high quality headphones.
* Internet connection for updates and online registration

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