Garritan World Instrument-(Just Released) /FULL
For Controller/synthesizer/PC/Midi Software & Sound Program
Windows & MAC
HARGA: RP. 500.000,- (Original Price: $149.00 USD/1 Juta Lebih)
Pack: 1 DVD + 1 Original License
World Instruments Partial List:
Africa - China - India - Japan - Other Asian Regions - Europe - Middle East - North America -
Africa - China - India - Japan - Other Asian Regions - Europe - Middle East - North America -
Latin America - Oceania & Australia
Features in World Instruments
The Most Comprehensive World Instrument Collection
ARIA Advanced Instrument Player
Ensemble & Group Presets
Intuitive Controls
World Tunings
The Most Comprehensive World Instrument Collection
ARIA Advanced Instrument Player
Ensemble & Group Presets
Intuitive Controls
World Tunings
System Requirements
Running Garritan World Instruments is dependent on the speed of your computer.
The faster the processor the better.
* Core 2 Duo CPU or better recommended - Mac and PC.
* 2 GB RAM recommended to play the complex ethnic ensembles.
* 3 GB of free hard drive space
* Hard drive speed of at least 5400 RPM
* Internet connection for updates and online registration.
* DVD ROM drive
* Core 2 Duo CPU or better recommended - Mac and PC.
* 2 GB RAM recommended to play the complex ethnic ensembles.
* 3 GB of free hard drive space
* Hard drive speed of at least 5400 RPM
* Internet connection for updates and online registration.
* DVD ROM drive
* Monitor with 1,024 x 768 resolution or better
* A sound card compatible with ASIO, DirectSound, or MME
* MIDI or USB Interface: A MIDI interface may be required if you are using a MIDI keyboard. Many keyboards now use USB. The Mod Wheel on the keyboard controls volume (on winds and bowed strings) so make sure to move it up to an audible level. If you do not have a Mod Wheel, then have the ability to assign the controller within your music program or sequencer
* High quality speakers and amplifier, or high quality headphones.
* Note: Sibelius does not have a soundset for World Instruments. Many ethnic instruments do not use conventional notation
* A sound card compatible with ASIO, DirectSound, or MME
* MIDI or USB Interface: A MIDI interface may be required if you are using a MIDI keyboard. Many keyboards now use USB. The Mod Wheel on the keyboard controls volume (on winds and bowed strings) so make sure to move it up to an audible level. If you do not have a Mod Wheel, then have the ability to assign the controller within your music program or sequencer
* High quality speakers and amplifier, or high quality headphones.
* Note: Sibelius does not have a soundset for World Instruments. Many ethnic instruments do not use conventional notation
More Info, Klik Disini

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